Salford Red Devils Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures
1) Salford Red Devils Rugby League Club acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of
every child and young person who has been entrusted to its care. We are committed to working to
provide a safe environment for all members. A child or young person is anyone under the age of 18
engaged in any Rugby League activity. We subscribe to the RFL Safeguarding Policy statement
contained in that document RFL Safeguarding Policy 2023.pdf (
2) The key principles of the RFL Safeguarding Policy are that:
• The child’s welfare is and must always be the paramount consideration.
• All children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse, regardless of their age,
gender, disability, race, sexual orientation, faith, or belief.
• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and
• Working in partnership with other organisations, children and young people and their
parents/carers is essential.
We acknowledge that every child or young person who plays or participates in Rugby League should
be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from poor practice and
Salford Red Devils Rugby League Club recognises that this is the responsibility of every adult involved
in our club.
3) Salford Red Devils Rugby League Club has a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of all children
and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual, or emotional harm and from neglect or
bullying. It is noted and accepted that the RFL Safeguarding Children Policy applies to everyone in
Rugby League, whether in a voluntary or paid capacity. This means whether you are a volunteer,
match official, helper on club tours, coach, club official, medical or first aid staff or a spectator.
4) We endorse and adopt the RFL Safer Recruitment Guidelines for recruiting volunteers and we will:
• Specify what the role is and what tasks it involves.
• Request identification documents
• As a minimum, meet and chat with the applicant and,where possible, interview them before
appointing them.
• Ask for and follow up with two references before appointing someone.
• Where eligible require a RFL enhanced DBS
All current Salford Red Devils Rugby League Club members working in eligible roles, with children and
young people must hold a current RFL enhanced DBS as part of responsible recruitment practice.If there are concerns regarding the appropriateness of an individual who is already involved or who
has approached us to become part of the club, guidance will be sought from the RFL Safeguarding
It is accepted that the RFL aims to prevent people with a history of relevant and significant offending
from having contact with children or young people and the opportunity to influence policies or
practices with children and young people. This is to minimise the risk of direct sexual or physical
harm to children and the risk of grooming within Rugby League.
5) Salford Red Devils Rugby League Club supports the RFL Whistle Blowing Policy. Any adult or young
person with concerns about an adult in a position of trust within Rugby League can ‘whistle blow’ by
contacting the RFL by emailing or ringing 07595 520610, alternatively, by
going directly to the Police, Children’s Social Care or the NSPCC. We encourage everyone to know
about the RFL Whistle Blowing Policy and to utilise it if necessary.
6) Salford Red Devils Rugby League Club has appointed a Head of Safeguarding in line with
requirements of the RFL Safeguarding Children Policy. The Head of Safeguarding will take part in all
training required for this post and will take up any ongoing CPD as determined by the RFL. The Head of
Safeguarding is the first point of contact for all club members regarding concerns about the welfare of
any child or young person. The Head of Safeguarding will be trained on the procedures for referring
concerns and will liaise directly with the RFL Safeguarding Manager. They will also be proactive in
increasing awareness of Respect, poor practice, touchline behaviour and abuse amongst club
7) We acknowledge and endorse the RFL’s identification of bullying as a category of abuse. Bullying of
any kind (this includes cyber bullying) is not acceptable at our club and we will take a stance of zero
tolerance. If bullying does occur, all players and or parents/carers should be able to report and know
that incidents will be dealt with promptly. Incidents need to be reported to the HEAD OF
SAFEGUARDING and in cases of serious bullying the RFL Safeguarding Manager will be contacted.
8) All club members have signed codes of conduct. The club will take action against repeated or
serious misconduct at club level and acknowledge the possibility of potential sanctions which may
be implemented by the club or the RFL Safeguarding Case Management Group.
9) Reporting concerns about the welfare of a child or young person is everyone’s responsibility. If you
are worried about a child, it is important that you report your concerns – no action is not an option.
1) If you are worried about a child, then you need to report to the Head of Safeguarding.
2) If the issue is of poor practice the HEAD OF SAFEGUARDING will either:
– Deal with the matter themselves
– Seek advice from the RFL Safeguarding Manager
3) If the concern is more serious – possible child abuse, where possible contact the Head of
Safeguarding first, then immediately contact the Police or Children’s Social Care
4) If the child needs immediate medical treatment, take them to a hospital or call an
ambulance and tell them this is a child protection concern. Let your Head of Safeguarding
know what action you have taken, they in turn will inform the RFL Safeguarding Manager
5) If at any time, you are not able to contact your Head of Safeguarding, or the matter is
clearly serious you can either.
1) Contact the RFL Safeguarding Manager (details below)
2) Contact the Police or Children’s Social Care
3) Call the NSPCC Helpline for advice (0808 800 5000)NB The RFL Safeguarding Policy and Procedures are available on the RFL Website.
10) Further advice and guidance on safeguarding children matters can be obtained from:
Matt Carr, Head of Safeguarding – 07786167232
Recognising Abuse
Any person may abuse or neglect a child, young person, or vulnerable adult by inflicting harm or by
failing to act to prevent harm. The effects of abuse can be extremely damaging and if allowed to
continue or left unacknowledged may follow a person into adulthood resulting in a person finding it
difficult to maintain stable or trusting relationships and suffering from low self-esteem. It is not
always easy to differentiate poor practices from abuse and it is not the responsibility of employees or
volunteers to determine whether or not abuse is taking place, it is their responsibility to identify poor
practice and possible abuse and to act if they have a concern about the welfare or a child, young
person or vulnerable adult.
Types of abuse
There are 5 main types of abuse:
1) Physical Abuse – where an individual, including other young people, deliberately inflict injuries.
This includes injuries caused by hitting, shaking, squeezing, biting, or using excessive force. It
also occurs when young people are given alcohol, or inappropriate drugs, or there is a failure to
supervise their access to these substances.
2) Neglect – when a child, young person or vulnerable adult’s needs for food, warmth, care – both
physically and emotionally – are not met.
3) Sexual Abuse –where a child, young person or vulnerable adult is encouraged or forced to take
part in sexual activity.
4) Emotional Abuse – where an individual fail to show young people due care with regard to their
emotional welfare, when a child, young person or vulnerable adult may be constantly shouted
at, threatened or taunted, or be subject to sarcasm and unrealistic pressures.
5) Bullying – Where an adult of peer persistently or repeatedly uses hostile and/or intimidating
behaviour towards a child/vulnerable adult. There are three main subcategories of bullying:
Physical – Verbal – Emotional
Responding to Suspicions
If a child informs you that he/she, or another child, is concerned about someone’s behaviour towards
them (this is termed “disclosure”) In all cases of reported poor practice or abuse the following
principles should be adopted:
• Stay calm so as not to alarm or deter the child.
• Listen sympathetically and show that you take them seriously.
• Ensure the immediate safety of the child.
• If the child needs immediate medical treatment, take them to the hospital or call an
ambulance. Inform the doctors of your concerns and ensure that they are aware that there is a
child protection issue.
• Keep questions to a minimum to ensure a clear and accurate understanding of what has been
• Do not ask leading questions or make suggestions about what may have happened.
• Reassure the child but do not make promises of confidentiality which might not be feasible in
the light of subsequent developments In the event of suspicion of sexual abuse do not let the
child shower or wash until given permission to do so by the police.• Ensure you clearly understand what the child has said in order that the information can be
passed on to the appropriate agencies.
Consult with the Head of Safeguarding ensuring that you communicate all the information accurately
Maintain confidentiality – all incidents will be treated with an open mind and handled in a fair and
equitable manner. Information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis. Confidentiality must be
maintained until a case is proven.
Do not:
• Panic
• Do not allow your feelings to become evident,
• Make promises you can’t keep – explain that you will need to tell other people.
• Make the child repeat the story unnecessarily.
• Delay
• Speculate or make assumptions.
• Approach the alleged abuser.
• Take sole responsibility.
If you become aware of anything which causes you to feel uncomfortable you should speak to the
Head of Safeguarding or refer the matter to the Safeguarding Manager at the RFL.
Taking the appropriate action following a disclosure
You should follow the procedures set out in the reporting procedures. The report should contain the
following detail:
• The young person’s name, address, date of birth and any disability.
• The nature of the allegation.
• Any observations about the behaviour/emotional state of the young person.
• Times, locations, and dates.
• The young person’s account in their own words of what has happened.
• Actions that have been taken as a result of your concerns.
• Whether the person writing the report is expressing their own concerns or those of a third party
Remember to:
• Sign and date the report.
• Keep a copy.
• Keep a record of the name and designation of whom the concerns were passed to.
You must not investigate yourself, you must:
• Make a full record of what has been said, heard or seen as soon as possible.
• Inform the HEAD OF SAFEGUARDING as soon as possible.
Poor Practice:
Poor practice is the term used to describe practice which falls below the standards expected to such
an extent that a child’s, young person’s, or vulnerable adult’s welfare is compromised.
Poor practice includes any behaviour of a Safeguarding nature which contravenes governing body’s
codes of conduct. Some examples of poor practice are likely to be:
• Ignoring Health and Safety Rules:
• Failing to act to prevent one child harming or abusing another:
• Placing children, young people, or vulnerable adults in potentially compromising and
uncomfortable situations with adults:
• Insufficient care being taken to avoid injuries:• Giving unnecessary preferential treatment to individuals and regularly or unfairly rejecting
This policy conforms to the appropriate legislation and guidance including:
• The Children Acts 1989 and 2004
• The Protection of Children Act 1999
• The Human Rights Act 1998
• No Secrets (DH 2000)
• Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
• Data protection Act 1998
• Working together to safeguard children
• Sexual Offences Act 2003
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child
• Learning and Skills Act 2000 British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing
• It also acknowledges the work of NSPCC, NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit, Sport England,
Department of Health, and Ofsted.