Renew your season ticket at the game!

There will be further opportunities to renew season tickets ahead of today’s game.

Whilst it is still recommended that supporters renew their season ticket at the ticket office, we will be trailing further opportunities across the ground on matchday to renew your season ticket.

Supporters can find the season ticket renewal station in the Southwest corner of the ground (end of West concourse) ahead of the game, with East Stand renewals able to be done at half-time.

Following the trial, the desired outcome is that there will be multiple stations for all areas in operation for the Catalans game.

Please note, season ticket renewal away from the ticket office is card only and will only be possible if the following information is supplied:

  • Customer Name
  • Client ID
  • Date of Birth
  • Contact Information (telephone – email)

If you do not have an email address, please inform staff at point of purchase.
