Lotteries representative job available with the Red Devils

Salford Red Devils are currently recruiting for staff to help with the running of our weekly draw lottery and the forthcoming relaunch.
This is a fantastic opportunity to work with the club and help our fundraising efforts off the pitch.
The positions include:
Lotteries Representative
You will be representing the club, so you must be a great communicator and have sound people skills and importantly, you must be hardworking, motivated, ethical and dedicated. This role is valued and rewarding and involves no hard sell tactics.
We approach the public door to door to encourage subscription to a low-cost weekly lottery draw. Supporters understand the beneficial impact our role has on the local community – it is a very marketable soft sell.
On-going training, the tools to be the best you can and continual personal development are at the heart of our culture.
Excellent earning potential for the right candidate, finance package to be discussed at interview.
The use of a car is largely essential due to the nature of the role as you will be required to drive to work within an operating location. Those with good public transport links may be considered for some areas.
Make a great decision today email your CV for a local interview to
Job Type: Part-Time / Full-time / Hours to suit
Required Education:

  • Secondary education

Required licence or certification:

  • Driving Licence
